
Importance Of HR In Films

It Was Almost Non-Existent

The nature of work in films is not the standard style you will find throughout the business and employment industries. Making films, whether in Hollywood or other movie capitals of the world has been done largely without HR playing an important role.

The filming side of the business was largely on a per-contract basis which did not need much involvement from HR. The business side of the industry did need HR to hire, and train, people while managing the payroll and other benefits offered by the company.

However, not everyone on the set is an employee of the production company. That fact can make it difficult for HR to influence what is going on, provide training, and so on.

Importance of HR in Films

Even though HR has not had a lot of influence in the film industry, it can still play an important role when companies are searching for the right people to help make the production a success.

Here are some areas where the HR department can make its mark:

  • Help create positive worker experiences
  • Introduce modern ways of working
  • Integrate well-being and productivity
  • Attract and retain top production talent
  • Enable a culture of feedback
  • Manage workplace disputes effectively
  • Make sure labour laws in all cities where production is being done are being met

Part of their duties include keeping all issues to a minimum or making it non-existent. This is done by implementing a reporting procedure that is safe and secure.

It is also up to the HR department to create a work culture that supports good mental health during the long and irregular working hours this industry abides by.

The HR department is essential as it provides workers with another avenue to contact the production office and their unions and stop problems before they become big problems that affect the film and the rest of the crew and cast.

Plus, the HR department in films is charged with the task of protecting all workers from all forms of discrimination and other on-set issues.

It is a tough job since the HR department plays such a minor role in filmmaking. HR’s reach may be larger than some people realise in this industry. It is often an overlooked department but it does carry a big stick when it is needed.

Recruitment and Selection

When it comes to recruitment, the HR departments in film may have a very limited and difficult task to perform. They are responsible for only a small segment of employees due to the nature of the filmmaking industry.

For example, if a company is subcontracted to do specific tasks which are all part of the production. Each company has its own HR department that is responsible for their workers.

Those companies may not employ a lot of workers for those particular films. But recruitment is still vital and important and it is up to the HR department to find qualified workers to fill the different vacancies.

Selection is much easier as DEI training helps HR employees look beyond the stereotypical requirements for employees and search for the right candidate who is qualified to handle the position.

This training helps design the help wanted notices to ensure that everyone gets an equal opportunity to apply for the position. Plus, selection is based on qualifications and no discriminatory biases that may influence the selection process.

With limited jobs to fill, finding the right candidate is essential to the HR department as their hires will determine how smoothly the work gets done.

How Kaplunk As A Platform Helps HR In Films

There are several ways Kaplunk can help film HR departments succeed in meeting their goals and finishing their tasks. But first, a few words about how Kaplunk got started.

About Kaplunk

Not everyone feels good about the current hiring processes. The founder of Kaplunk was very frustrated with his then job search and felt there was a better way to go about matching applicants to employers.

His experience made him feel the current processes were too complicated as well as very unethical. At the same time, he saw that qualified candidates were often overlooked or the process was designed to protect profits.

This realisation led him to form Kaplunk, an ethical recruiting website that cuts out the middleman as well as their expensive fees.

How Kaplunk Helps HR Find The Right Talent

The company has developed a process that uses ethical hiring practices while eliminating many of the discriminatory influences in the hiring process. Kaplunk has streamlined the hiring process cutting out the recruiting agencies by providing direct contact between employers and applicants.

This method cuts down on the time spent in finding the right applicant while giving the latter a chance to showcase their skills and talents to the HR department.

Kaplank Saves HR Time And Money

Needless to say, this streamlined process saves a company a lot of time in finding an applicant for an open position. It also saves the company at least the recruiting agency’s fee which can be quite large.

The Future Of HR In The Film Industry Is Kaplunk

The innovative methods employed by Kaplunk should revolutionise the hiring process. Not only does it save time and money but it is a more ethical way to find and recruit applicants.

Plus, by allowing direct contact between applicants and employers, the former can have a more equal chance of being hired. They have a better opportunity to display their skills and talents to the HR department.

Key Takeaways

1. HR departments in film are starting to have a big say

2. There may be many HR departments involved in filmmaking

3. While not that large, film HR departments still play a pivot role in the hiring process

4. One of HR’s duties is to protect the people they hire from on-set issues

5. Kaplunk is the better hiring option that saves film production companies time and money

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