Hr Legal

Importance Of HR In The Legal Industry

A Vital Aspect Of The Legal Profession


Even though the HR department does not get the press, it plays a very important role in how the legal system operates. Without the HR department law firms would not get the employees they need to function like a well-oiled machine.


Human resources (HR) has its hand in almost every area of the legal profession. Some of those areas of the legal industry include:


  • Employee training
  • Employee classification
  • Employee agreements
  • Employee handbook
  • Independent contractor classification
  • Layoffs
  • Internal investigations
  • Background checks and more…

It is easy to see how without the HR department, legal firms would have difficulty maintaining and running their law offices.

The Challenge For HR In Finding Top Talent

One of the biggest challenges facing the HR department in the recruitment and selection of employees is finding those rare diamonds who are tops in their field legally but also have the necessary soft leadership skills.

It is not hard to find men and women who have the legal acumen to do their job. Those are a dime a dozen. But finding one who knows how to lead properly is like finding a needle in a haystack. They are not growing on trees.

Another challenge the HR department must overcome is the changing recruitment methods. Recruitment is moving from in-person contact to digital contact and this makes it hard to judge the talent and knowledge of the applicant.

Data analytics plays a large role in today’s recruitment process. Not every HR department is ready for this type of recruitment proceedings. Also, overcoming bias, stereotyping as well as legal pedigree hiring is not easy for any HR department.


These are challenges that create difficult days and moments in the life of the HR personnel. To help with the selection process a HR department can hire a specialist recruiter who has the right strategies to find the top legal minds who also have the right soft skills to be true leaders.

How Kaplunk As A Platform Helps HR In The Legal Industry


Who we are


Kaplunk was started to help a company’s HR department find the right candidate for their vacancies. They exist to connect the HR personnel directly with candidates whereby removing the middleman recruitment agencies and saving the company a lot of money.


At the same time, Kaplunk makes it easier for applicants to connect directly with companies during their job search. The firm is dedicated to an ethical hiring system that provides a wide applicant pool, allows for business promotion, and saves money through its community strategy.


How Kaplunk helps HR in finding the right talent


The business model employed by Kaplunk has several facets to it that enable the company to help businesses find the right applicant and the applicants to find the right employment.


This business model is based on ethical hiring practices that ensure the qualified candidate gets seen and has a fair opportunity to apply for different vacancies. These ethics do not violate the UK’s employment agency’s legislation.


The different companies have a wide applicant pool to search and the applicants get direct contact with the HR department where they can showcase their skills and show why they are valuable to the company.


Also, Kaplunk doesn’t limit the candidate pool to just local applicants. They provide access to international workers who have the right qualifications for the job opening.


Kaplank saves HR time and money


By creating this wide pool of applicants and ensuring direct contact between the HR departments and the applicants, Kaplunk has found a way to save companies over £5000 per applicant.


This saved money can be reinvested back into the company through various means and provides nice savings that can be used for performance rewards to keep employees motivated.


Other ways to use that saved money would be to provide child-care vouchers, in-house training opportunities for promotion, and other benefits that would help the company retain employees and cut down on their job vacancies.


The savings are not just limited to money. Kaplunk’s community business model means that HR personnel can save a lot of time in their search for the right employee. That time savings translates into indirect financial savings for the companies.

Kaplunk Is The Future Of HR In The Legal Industry



Kaplunk’s strategy is to remove the unnecessary step of signing with independent recruiting agencies. According to Kaplunk, this step wastes time, and money, and does little to connect the applicant with the company.


By cutting out this step, Kaplunk is streamlining the hiring process and helping HR departments overcome the many challenges it faces. The direct connection through the Kaplunk community means it is easier for HR departments to find the perfect candidate while saving money in the process.


This recruitment method also employs ethical hiring practices to ensure that all qualified candidates are not excluded from the hiring process. This brings more diversity to the company’s workforce.


It is a unique strategy that makes sure that there are no overlooked talented applicants. Plus, it ensures that the companies can fill their vacant positions without a heavy expense.


The Key Takeaways


HR departments face a difficult task every day. Those hiring tasks are loaded with challenges that make finding the right candidate expensive and time-consuming. Here are some of the key takeaways that make Kaplunk’s recruiting method a better choice:


1. Employers and applicants save money on recruiter’s fees

2. Employers save time in their search to fill their vacancies

3. A greater pool of applicants to choose from

4. Can create a diverse workforce 

5. Makes finding qualified candidates easier and faster

6. Creates an ethical hiring process 

7. Meets government employment standards and regulations


The HR department does play a vital role in the legal industry. It is the oil that makes the legal office run like clockwork. Without the HR department, the partners of the firm would not have the time to try cases or do other vital legal work their clients expect.


Making the HR department’s job easier means the law industry runs smoother.

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