The Importance Of The HR Department
HR has its finger in several company pies. Very little is done without the input of this department. Here are some of the duties HR must perform to keep both employees and the company satisfied:
Recruitment And Selection
The main duty of and why the HR department exists is to recruit and select the best talented and most qualified applicants for the vacant positions the company has at the moment.
This duty must be done using ethical and transparent guidelines to ensure fairness to all competent candidates. This is a heavy challenge to overcome as the pool of qualified, knowledgeable applicants with true leadership skills is rare.
Plus, there is a lot of competition for their services when they are uncovered. The company is not the only business trying to land these gems and it is difficult to hire them because deeper pockets and better benefits always prevail.
Finding these top recruits is equally difficult as recruiting agencies may not present them to the HR department. Trying to uncover their existence is quite difficult when the recruiting agency the HR department hired does not do its job that well.
There are strategies the HR department can utilise to ensure they are attracting the most qualified talent.
Some of these strategies include:
These are just some of the steps an HR department can take to help discover hidden talent. If the company’s HR is on the ball they will enlist the right people to create these strategies so that they are effective and cost-efficient.
How Kaplunk As A Platform Helps HR In The Private Sector
The good thing about recruiting and selecting top candidates is that you do not have to go it alone. This does not mean hiring a recruiting agency that takes up to 25% of the new employee’s salary as a fee.
There are more ethical and money-saving options to use and Kaplunk is one of those options.
About Us
Kaplunk was started when the owner was frustrated by the current state of affairs regarding recruitment. His analysis discovered that some of the ethics and processes were not up to proper standards and too complicated.
The current processes seem to overlook qualified and skilled applicants and protect profits over recruitment success. This realisation led to the formation of Kaplunk and the owner cut out the middleman and its expensive fees to streamline the hiring process.
How Kaplunk Helps HR Find The Right Talent
The process is a simplified recruitment strategy. Instead of going through expensive recruitment agencies that often filter applicants and job opportunities, Kaplunk streamlines the process.
They have removed the middleman and developed a community of businesses and applicants who can contact each other directly. This saves both parties a lot of time and allows for the latter to showcase their talents and convince HR personnel of their abilities to do the job right.
This makes finding the right candidate as well as the right vacancy smoother and easier for both parties.
Kaplank Saves HR Time And Money
These are key factors for every business. The longer the company takes to fill its vacancies, the more money it loses. Plus, the fees for using recruiting agencies can be very expensive.
Kaplunk has a group of experts and tech geniuses who work with both candidates and companies to make the recruitment and hiring process faster as well as cost-efficient.
Gone are the expensive fees recruitment agencies charge which is money that can be reinvested in the company to motivate the employees to do greater work.
Kaplunk Is The Future Of HR In The Private Sector
The innovative methods that Kaplunk uses to match applicants with employers, and vice versa, are revolutionising the hiring process. It is the new way to find the right fit without costing a lot of time or money for success.
Also, by removing the recruitment agencies, candidates get to talk to important people without a lot of hassle or delays. It is one of the more ethical ways of recruiting top talent.
Key Takeaways
1. Recruitment using recruiting agencies can be costly, time-consuming, and frustrating
2. The HR department is the heartbeat of a company due to all the duties it performs
3. Top candidates are often overlooked, filtered out, or ignored when using recruiting agencies
4. Kaplunk has streamlined the recruiting and hiring process making it easier to find qualified candidates
5. Kaplunk has also cut costs and saved time through its innovative community of applicants and employers
6. Having direct contact with employers gives applicants a fair chance of being hired
The Private sector is where you make the most money. keys to being hired inthe private sector is to gto through the HR department.Most apllicants do not not know how important the HR department is to the company .
In many cases, individual companies do not not know how viatal a top HR department is to theire overall operation.but this department is key to ensuring the businness runs smoothly as well as efficiently .
The Importance Of The HR Department
HR has its finger in several company pies. Very little is done without the input of this department. Here are some of the duties HR must perform to keep both employees and the company satisfied:
They provide value especially when the department uses ethical guidelines for their decisions
Their work helps upgrade the company’s reputation and that boost is partly due to using ethical hiring practices
HR protects the company legally by making sure all hiring regulations are followed and met
This department is the biggest influence on the company’s culture and the decisions they make reflect on how management is perceived by employees
The HR department creates safety through ethical and transparent practices. These elements also build trust
The department sets the tone for the organisation
Without HR ethics may be compromised and ignored
They clarify expectations and keep them in the realm of reality